How to Secure Your Business Against a Cyber Breach
We’re all online nowadays, from the CEO to the market stall trader.
Over the past two years, more and more businesses have changed how they operate online. Whether that’s through more remote working, getting a website or storing data. As a result of this, cyber threats are on the rise.
Fortunately, there are plenty of measures you can take to combat these potential threats. We’ve outlined four of these ways to help secure your business against a cyber breach.
Creating a secure password is one of the easiest and most effective ways to secure your business against a data breach. You’ve likely heard the advice about not choosing obvious passwords that are easy to guess – longer passwords that use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols are the most secure. Worried about forgetting a password? Password managers can be effective tools for storing passwords.
You can also use two-factor authentication (2FA) for key accounts, requiring users to provide two methods to prove their identity before allowing them to access the account. This adds an extra layer of security and is recommended for protecting your most sensitive data.
Be Aware of Phishing, Viruses & Malware
First and foremost, antivirus software is a must when protecting your business against viruses and malware attacks. This is easy to install and relatively inexpensive (some operating systems include antivirus software for free). With it installed, you’re automatically protected from a whole host of potential threats.
Countless people (from the technology novices to the computer savvy) have been misled by fake email scams, handing over key information, clicking bad links or sending money to someone claiming to be someone else.
A large percentage of data breaches are caused by user error – educating yourself and your staff on safe usage is vital. Offer training to your team on what to look out for (e.g. things like never downloading third-party apps/understanding what to look out for when it comes to phishing emails) and be sure that people know how to report suspected breaches.
There’s still always a chance someone will be taken in by a scam, which are becoming more sophisticated over time. To minimise any potential damage, limit staff access to the programs needed for their role. Only key people should require full permissions. This helps ensure only trained personnel have administrative access, with everyone else as a standard user.
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Data Backup
All businesses have data they keep track of, whether it’s client information, orders, invoicing or payment details. Losing this information could seriously affect your ability to operate. Regularly backing up your business data will ensure you can still access it should something happen, like a cyber attack.
Ransomware attacks are one of the biggest cyber threats facing companies. This is where a hacker enters a system and encrypts the data, holding it hostage until you pay them a large sum to unencrypt it. In 2021, IT firm Kaseya was hacked, impacting the data of between 800 and 2,000 companies. If your data is backed up properly, you can’t be blackmailed in this way.
Consider what data is essential to your organisation, and therefore will need backing up. Cloud storage solutions are a great option for storing important data safely, with many offering automatic backups to save you the extra hassle. When looking for cloud storage, use the NCSC’s Cloud Security Guidance to help you choose the one that’s right for your business.
Keeping Devices & Software Up To Date
Make sure you keep any and all IT equipment and software up to date. The latest update versions should always be installed. Most operating systems will do this automatically, but it’s important to check. When there are no longer any updates available, it means it’s time to upgrade your computer, laptop or smartphone to ensure it’s as secure as possible.
Speaking of devices, be sure to keep them password protected and turn on remote tracking so that if it’s lost, you can locate it. Many devices also offer options to remotely erase data or retrieve a backup of data. If you’re out and about connecting to an unfamiliar Wi-Fi network, consider using 4G/5G or a wireless dongle instead as you never know how secure public Wi-Fi hotspots are, or who could be using them to access what you’re working on.
If you’re relatively new to cyber security, these steps are a great place to start. However, technology is constantly changing, attackers are getting smarter and even the most tech-savvy businesses can be caught out. A final step for businesses to consider is a cyber insurance policy.
Cyber insurance helps businesses in the event of a data breach, covering things like loss of income, the cost of fixing IT equipment or software and any fines payable as a result of the breach. Having a standalone cyber insurance policy can be a valuable asset when it comes to protecting your business interests.
To learn more about cyber insurance and how it could help your business, speak to one of our cyber specialists on 0117 325 2224 or at A member of our friendly team will be happy to help you make your business more cyber secure.